-I know the feeling.

Host of the greatest private replacement prom ever?
I'm sure you could have your pick of the bimbos.

And as a keen observer of the human condition,
I thought you saw through people better than that.
I mean, bimbos?
That's not me anymore.

Ever since I had my heart broken.

You and me.

lives ruined, bloodshed...

But summer's almost here,
and we won't see each other at all.

...then it's over.

You really think a relationship should be that hard?

.:.Veronica Mars.:.
2x20 - Look Who's Stalking
2x20 - Look Who's Stalking
Me encantan las conversaciones entre Veronica y Logan, son de lo más divertido que he visto en mucho tiempo.
Nunca dos personas que se odian tanto se lo pasaron tan bien juntas.
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